Spring Buds and Forest Bathing

It’s my favourite time of year and one of the good things that this lockdown has provided is the freedom to go out enjoy the coastal paths and woodlands that our beautiful island has to offer.

The sun has been shining giving the sea that inviting turquoise colour and the complimenting sound of the gentle waves rolling in has tempted me in for a refreshing dip on some of our south coast beaches.  The smell of the flowers and hearing the various birds singing on the walks really puts me in a relaxed state.  


For me, it’s fantastic to see the leaves breaking through the buds of broadleaved trees. Transforming their tall skeleton structures into the welcoming young green signifying the warmer months are among us. It always amazes me how such a small bud compacts such a large leaf in comparison and watching the various shapes of leaves unfold during the spring period is one of natures work of art.


I recently found out the Japanese have a practise called Shinrin-yoku ‘Forest bathing’. It’s the ideology of being immersed in a forest using the senses to reconnect with nature.  We don’t have forests but we have woodland areas and I always find that the power of a good walk always dissolves any problems you may have and provides manageable actions which you can deal with later.  So why not get out there and walk your worries away for a couple of hours and bathe in nature. If you are in quarantine, remember it is not forever, and if you can picture a spot in mind whilst reading this perhaps go and give it a visit when you can get out.


And if you truly are housebound - have you seen that there are guided walks that you can take from the comfort of your own sofa? There are a number of YouTube guided walks available.